Ncp Of Hematochezia How Do You Draw A Simple Picture Of The Latitude For A City Along With The Horizon Zenith Polaris And NCP?


How do you draw a simple picture of the latitude for a city along with the horizon zenith polaris and NCP? - ncp of hematochezia

For an assignment we are asked to make a simple drawing of Stevens Point, shows, WI Horizon, Zenith, Polaris and the celestial north pole ... I am a little confused!


kuiperbe... said...

a horizontal line on the label for a horizon of one of their ends represent the north and south

draw a stick figure represented somewhere on the right side of an observer

directly above the observer is the culmination

find the width Stevens Pt, I think it is something like 44 of the North, it is necessary to check

Draw a line from that angle with the horizon line should be to the north

At the end of this line) NCP-label (elevation angle of the horizon, the PNC is equal to the latitude of the observer

Polaris is a star in a certain PNC; are a symbol of the star very closely, but not exactly on the PNC

Hope this helps

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