Guest On-board Chargers Reviews How Come People Can Speak Different Languages With The Universal Translator?


How come people can speak different languages with the Universal Translator? - guest on-board chargers reviews

For example, everyone is talking on the ship, a common language, but Picard said a word in French or a word not translated into Klingon. Or in the background and the Voyager Company has a guest on board and offer a foreign word, not translated, even if the word is the equivalent in English. I am an aspiring writer by the way someone said that any cover is made, who cares. I care because I'll film school at the quality of work. And I'm realistic.


MAL said...

In the theater there is a theory as a "willing suspension of disbelief." It is the will of the viewer to suspend their knowledge base or belief of the truth and history, we take the path. So if a word is not translated (although it should have) the public accepts that history is moving in the direction of the writer, is the better unit than when it follows the rule.

An even better example of the voluntary suspension of disbelief is the Universal Translator itself. Without the fiction of the human astronauts UT never with strangers, and the story does not progress.

Star Trek, in itself, is a perfect example of the theory of the suspension of the loan.

bushmast... said...

Dear aspiring writers: --
For example, (comma), all on the boat, a common language (semicolon) speak, but not utter (at that time), a word of French Picard (decimal) or A (case)) Klingon word (comma, (Not - lead). (Delete "or") of the Company and Voyager) is lower (colon, were invited on board, (comma), express (who) a foreign (whch does not translate) (comma), in spite of a (universal?)-Equivalent. I), an aspiring writer (comma) by the way (point. So (if) (No One) (thinking) is all fiction ()) (colon:
(above) Who cares (question mark)? I Care delete (comma) ( "because"), so I'll (the film school?) (Delete "and cut") (insert "file") quality of work. (delete - I'm realistic)
Perhaps, before the visit of the "Film School", you should learn English, spelling, grammar and punctuation.

vasquez.... said...

See Galaxy Quest ...

"It's a TV! --
Jason Nesmith - Commander Peter Quincy Taggart.

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